Thursday, November 10, 2016

Just Getting Started

   When I was in high school all I wanted to do was to travel. I wanted to see the world and I knew studying abroad was a sure thing for me. As I was lollygagging my way through the first couple years of college, I realized I was coming up on my Junior year. The year I planned to study abroad. I knew if I was going to make this happen, I needed to get a move on it.

   I started out by talking to my parents. My mom and dad were a little nervous about letting me live over seas for four months but after a lot of discussion between us, and a phone call or two to my study abroad adviser, they finally agreed to me studying abroad! I decided on Ireland because the University of Limerick has a good education program. I looked at the courses available, the extra curricular activities, and reviews on the school. I knew I was unable of speaking a different language, so that also limited my choices. 

   My first step in going abroad was applying for CCIS, the Upper Iowa Study Abroad program, and the University of Limerick. Each time after I applied somewhere new, I would check my email at least five times a day, waiting for an acceptance letter and when that letter finally came, I would jump for joy all around my apartment. I then started filling out more paperwork, and more paperwork, and even more paperwork. I knew I had filled out a lot of it when applying and getting accepted to UIU, but this time I had three times as much! 

   As I chose my place of living, I looked at many aspects. I looked where it was located, how nice it was, who was able to live there and of course, the price. I ended up lucking out and getting placed in my top choice. I will be living in the Dromroe Village which are right in the smack dab middle of campus! This is when the adulting started for me. I had to start paying money. I had been saving my money, which helped a lot at this point, so it wasn't as bad as I always imagined it being. It actually only turned out to be a few thousand dollars more expensive than UIU! That is one thing I've always heard when people talk to me about studying abroad. "Isn't it so expensive? I don't think I could afford that." It always shocks them when I inform them of how affordable it really is. 

   Since not a lot of my friends have ever studied abroad before, I was looking around at all the airline websites, trying to find the best deal. My adviser ended up telling me about and I got my plane ticket for $436! I personally chose to spend the extra $40 on trip insurance, just in case I were to get sick or have to come home early for whatever reason. 

   As I enter my last few steps before going abroad, I began reading many blogs about what to pack while over there and they all tell me the same thing. Don't. Over. Pack. When I first started this adventure, I figured I would take most of my clothes over and just ship boxes over so I don't have to pay for extra baggage. I now realize I only need to take two bags over and if I forget anything, I can always buy it in Ireland. It's not like I'm going to a deserted island! 

   Today marks 67 days until I fly out and I obviously couldn't be more excited. Keep tuned as I blog more helpful tips and share my adventure when I get there! And please remember, studying abroad isn't as scary as it seems.